Nivi Alroy's work is tumultuous bordering on chaotic. She describes it as examining the
"ever-changing relationship between inner and outer spaces." For Alroy, these spaces can be generated from the body, the home or even a sculpture – all realms where lines of division between the inner and outer are messy, to say the least.
Alroy considers these divisions to be messy because of constant
intrusion of outer realms into interior space. It is this intrusion that creates the exposure of intimate
details; this idea takes literal form in Alroy's installations, which can be
described as highly textured explosions of this exposed interior. Not only does Alroy challenge these
boundaries, she also challenges gravity and scale. In her creations things fall up and expected proportions are
thrown out the window.
Nivi Alroy, Over Spilled Milk
For the Catagenesis exhibition, she will be working in the
boiler room of the Globe Dye Works facility. This is a huge space with many intrusive and valuable
obstacles that she will have to navigate and incorporate. Alroy is coming all the way from Israel
for the show and doing most of her preparation by proxy – studying video of the space,
transporting items to the site and selecting objects leftover from Globe Dye's
heyday that she will utilize. Alroy will then arrive a little over two weeks before the opening to begin
the exciting and immense job of steering her ideas through the boisterous
exhibition territory - an overwhelming task that will no doubt be worth the
Globe Dye Works, Boiler Room
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